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Randy Wages
Randy Wages

Randy Wages was born in Athens, Georgia, December 5, 1953. While attending church from his youth, Randy did not come to hear and believe the true and glorious Gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace in Christ Jesus until 1985 after he and his wife, Susan, had moved to Albany, Georgia. Since that time Randy has been an avid student of the Bible. An engineering graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology, he co-founded and operated Technical Associates, an engineering firm headquartered in Albany. God has enabled Randy to use his skills as a successful engineer, businessman, and communicator in the ministry of the Gospel. Randy is author of the book, “To My Friends – Strait Talk About Eternity.” He has actively supported Reign of Grace Ministries, a ministry of Eager Avenue Grace Church, since its inception. Randy is a deacon at Eager Avenue Grace Church where he frequently teaches and preaches. He and Susan, his wife of over thirty-five years, have been blessed with three daughters, and a growing number of grandchildren. Randy and Susan currently reside in Albany, Georgia.


Considering a Donation to Reign of Grace Media Ministries?
First of all, thank you for your generosity and your willingness to support our ministry.  We are honored by the trust your gift demonstrates, and we are grateful for your commitment to God's Word and its teaching through DVD’s, CDs, radio, television, and the Internet. This ministry is provided free of charge and funded solely by donations.  All gifts to Reign of Grace Media Ministries are tax deductible.

You may contact Reign of Grace Ministries via: Phone: 229.432.6969 Email:
Or write to us at: Reign of Grace Ministries 1102 Eager Drive, Albany, GA 31707-3858
For those who live in or near the southwest Georgia area, we invite you to attend our church.

Schedule of Services: Sundays
10:00 a.m. (Bible Study)
11:00 a.m. (Preaching Service)

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