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Live webcast Sun. @ 11
Jim Casey
Jim Casey

Jim was born in Camilla, Georgia in 1947. He moved to Albany, Georgia in 1963 where he attended public schools and Darton College where he completed a Business Management degree. Jim met and married his wife Sylvia in 1968. They have been married for over 48 years and have two children and two grand children. He served 3 years in the Army and retired as Purchasing Director after 31 years of service for the Dougherty County School System. He was delivered from false religion in the early 80’s and his eyes were opened to experience the grace of God and how God saved a sinner based not on the sinners works but on the merits of the righteousness of Christ alone being imputed to the sinner. He has worshiped the true and living God at Eager Avenue Grace Church in Albany since 1984. Along with delivering Gospel messages, Jim now serves his Lord as Finance Chairman, Deacon and Media Director in the Eager Avenue Grace Church assembly.


Considering a Donation to Reign of Grace Media Ministries?
First of all, thank you for your generosity and your willingness to support our ministry.  We are honored by the trust your gift demonstrates, and we are grateful for your commitment to God's Word and its teaching through DVD’s, CDs, radio, television, and the Internet. This ministry is provided free of charge and funded solely by donations.  All gifts to Reign of Grace Media Ministries are tax deductible.

You may contact Reign of Grace Ministries via: Phone: 229.432.6969 Email:
Or write to us at: Reign of Grace Ministries 1102 Eager Drive, Albany, GA 31707-3858
For those who live in or near the southwest Georgia area, we invite you to attend our church.

Schedule of Services: Sundays
10:00 a.m. (Bible Study)
11:00 a.m. (Preaching Service)

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